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SQL Operators

SQL Operators are used in SELECT statements to perform mathematical and logical operations on operands.

FeatureBase returns no results where operator logic is incorrect

Before you begin

Unary Operators



Operator Description Example Result
+ or - apply a sign to a numeric data type SELECT -1 -1


Operator Description Example Binary representation Binary Result
! Not inverts all the bits of the operand using Two’s complement SELECT !5; 0101 1010 –> (-8)+(0)+(2)+(0) = -6

Binary Operators



Operator WHERE condition returns true when… Examples
= both operands are equal. select _id from products WHERE price = 52.50;
!= both operands are not equal. select stock from products WHERE price != 0.50;
<> both operands are not equal. select stock from products WHERE price <> 0.50;
AND both conditions match the operand. select * from products WHERE stock > 20 AND price < 10;
BETWEEN the operand is within the range of two integer values select * from products WHERE stock BETWEEN 0 AND 100;
LIKE the operand matches the specified pattern. select * from products WHERE prodlist LIKE '%play%';
OR either condition matches the operand select * from products WHERE prodlist LIKE '%pla%' OR stock < 20;


Operator WHERE condition returns True when… Examples
< the operand on the left is less than the operand on the right. SELECT 1 WHERE 10 < 100;
> the operand on the left is greater than the operand on the right. SELECT 1 WHERE 10 > 1;
<= the operand on the left is less than or equal to the operand on the right. SELECT 1 WHERE 10 >= 10;
>= the operand on the left is greater than or equal to the operand on the right. SELECT 1 WHERE 10 <= 11;


Operator Description Examples
+ Add two operands. SELECT 1+1;
- Subtract two operands. SELECT 1-1;
* Multiply two operands. SELECT 12*11;
/ Divide two operands. SELECT 120/12;
% Modulo divides two operands then returns the remainder or signed remainder. SELECT 5%3;


Operator Description Example Binary representation Binary Result
& And sets each bit to 1 where both bits are 1 SELECT 5 & 1 0101 & 0001 0001
| Or sets each bit to 1 if one of two bits = 1 SELECT 5 | 1 0101 | 0001 0101
<< The second operand determines the number of zeroes to insert to the right which then shifts left the value of the first operand. SELECT 5 << 1; 0101 << 1 1010
>> The second operand determines the number of zeroes to remove from the right which then shifts right the value of the first operand. SELECT 5 >> 1; 0101 >> 1 0010


Operator Description Example Result
|| Concatenate two strings into a single string. SELECT 'CON' || 'CAT'; CONCAT

Further information

FeatureBase also supports standard operators: